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Unity 经过验证的解决方案

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经过验证的解决方案是专业水准的第三方工具、插件、SDK 和其他技术解决方案。当开发者看到经过验证的解决方案标示时,知道可以信任您的解决方案来实现兼容性、质量和规模。



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经过 Unity 验证

如果 Unity 将第三方 SDK、插件或服务认定为经过验证的解决方案,开发者就知道这些解决方案符合 Unity 的技术标准。


经过验证的解决方案发布者可以选择自定义最终用户许可协议 (EULA),并通过 Unity Asset Store 了解自定义业务模型。

Unity 经过验证的解决方案

详细了解我们现有的经过验证的第三方 SDK、插件等。


Altura's Unity SDK allows you to create, update, and transfer NFTs in-game without the technical complexity or costly investment.

Anything World

Anything World brings you a limitless library of rigged, game-ready 3D animations powered by AI - your ultimate game development companion.  


The Aptos SDK provides tools to easily implement wallet creation, account recovery, transaction management and native BCS support among other features using the Unity game engine.


Bidstack is a game monetization and in-game advertising platform that uses intelligent technology to serve ads in natural spaces within games while protecting the gaming experience.


添加面向 Unity 的 BitLabs SDK,奖励积极参与趣味有奖调查的用户。奖励用户游戏内道具或游戏内货币之类的奖品,让开发者获得实现多元化变现的机会,同时不降低用户体验。

Blockade Labs

Generate stunning skyboxes, HDRI lighting, and 3D world meshes with Skybox AI. Rapidly iterate and ideate, prototype at the speed of thought, and easily integrate into your existing projects.

Bright SDK

Bright SDK can generate revenue in addition to existing adverts. Depending on retention, one click can be worth more than $200CPM without interfering with gameplay.


Cognitive3D is a VR/AR analytics tool that collects and measures user insights from 3D environments and provides visibility into your VR/AR apps so you can make informed decisions.


Convai enables NPCs with intelligence such that they can converse naturally with players via text or voice and can carry out advanced actions.

Crucible Networks

Emergence by Crucible Network is a simple-to-use decetralization toolkit. Build game experiences on any EVM-compatible chain through the Emergence SDK.


Embrace automatically captures the full technical and behavioral details of every user experience so you can solve every crash, error, ANR, and more.


escs evolves your game into a pulsating hub connected to the digital world. It brings together esports, social elements, and a new monetization channel for all creators from tournaments.


您希望自己的游戏有很棒的音乐,但又不希望它一成不变。     FMOD 可以轻松实现适合游戏玩法的音乐和声音效果。简单、强大且易于集成 - 通过快速、流畅的工作流程产生出色的结果。FMOD 为成千上万的游戏所采用,可谓是 Unity 的完整音频解决方案。

Frameplay SDK

Frameplay’s SDK provides an easy-to-install solution that can help generate revenue while you focus on what matters most: developing the games you love.


GameBench 是领先的游戏性能管理解决方案。使用 GameBench 的性能监控工具套件专注于创建和测试有趣的新内容和新功能,同时确保玩家获得无缝的游戏体验。GameBench 可监测帧率、内存、电池消耗等指标,然后在问题出现前向您发出警报。


GameDriver 是为 Unity 打造的测试自动化套件。GameDriver 以自动化方式帮助工作室减少手工测试时间及费用,让测试人员能够放手验证新的世界和用户体验,并帮助开发者进行自动化回归测试来实现持续测试和 DevOps。

Gotcha Gotcha Games

Gotcha Gotcha Games, the creators of RPG Maker Unite, provide a completely new experience for both experienced and inexperienced JRPG creators.


Guardsquare 的多层移动应用程序安全方法通过代码强化、RASP 和威胁监测来保护游戏和游戏内购。


Helpshift 是移动优先客户服务的领导者。     它将应用内异步聊天、应用内和网络帮助中心及机器人结合在一起,可自动解决许多用户问题,为许多世界一流的移动游戏提供良好的应用内帮助体验。

Hot Reload

Edit any C# function and get immediate updates in your game. Hot Reload supercharges game development by instantly applying code changes, without exiting playmode!

Immutable X

The complete solution for building web3 games on Ethereum. Mint millions of assets for free, provide frictionless gaming experiences and maximize demands for your assets.

Inworld AI

Use Inworld to create interactive AI characters for Unity featuring expressive personalities, deep memories, and natural dialogue – no coding required.

Layer AI

Use Layer AI to scale creative asset production. Upload your creations and generate hundreds of additional assets with just a few clicks – all in your custom art style.


Leonardo.ai is a generative AI art platform for creating stunning assets. 



Unleash your creativity with LMNT’s AI speech, including immersive voiceover, lifelike characters, and endless replay. Amplify emotions and ignite your storytelling.

Solana by Magicblock

Solana SDK is a set of open-source tools to radically simplify the process of building games with decentralization on Solana. Native support for wallets, NFTs, DEXes, custom programs and more, all at your fingertips.


MetaMask is the world’s leading Web3 wallet, trusted by millions of developers and users around the world. Our mission is to be the primary interface to access Web3, in a safe and secure way.


Modl.test’s Automatic QA enables you to test more content than a human can. AI bots explore levels to detect and report errors, events, and crashes on the modl.ai cloud platform.

Odin Enterprise

Odin Inspector Enterprise 是一个 Unity 插件,它可为您带来功能强大、可自定义和用户友好的编辑器所具有的全部工作流程优势,无需编写任何自定义编辑器代码。


OneSignal 是使用最为广泛的客户消息传送解决方案,每天帮助超过一百万家企业向其客户发送 80 亿条以上的消息。OneSignal 提供了极佳的 Unity SDK、易于使用的控制面板以及功能强大的 API,用于发送消息以提高用户参与度。

Pacelab WEAVR

完整的 XR 平台,让公司能够开发和管理企业级培训。

Photon Fusion

Photon Fusion is the leading state sync multiplayer SDK, simplifying networking best practices and advanced features of modern AAA multiplayer games.


Polyhive is an AI texturing tool that enables you to texture 3D assets by describing what you want in natural language.


Prespective 是一个用于为行业创建虚拟原型和数字模型的软件平台。这是一个基于 Unity 的交互式虚拟测试环境,用户可在其中持续测试其系统。不仅在视觉上,而且从机械层面与其逻辑控制软件、人机界面和 IoT 相连。

Replica Studios

Replica Studios provides ethically sourced AI text-to-speech voices for games. These AI voices perform a wide range of emotions, making them ideal for main characters and NPCs.

RiderFlow by JetBrains

RiderFlow is a free plugin for the Unity Editor that helps you gain a deeper understanding of scenes. Prototyping has never been so quick and easy in Unity.


对于软件团队来说,Sentry 对于监控应用程序代码的运行状况至关重要。从错误跟踪到性能监控,开发者可以更清楚地查看、更快地解决问题并不断了解他们的应用程序。Sentry 广受欢迎,全球范围吸引了超过 100 万开发者和 80,000 个组织,为许多世界上最知名的公司提供代码级别的可观测性。

空间现实显示器 SDK

Sony 的空间现实显示器使用高速视觉传感器和人脸识别算法,实现了超高精度空间现实体验,这是传统裸眼 3D 显示器无法提供的。它可以很容易地应用于 VR、AR 和其他类型的内容,为创作者提供一个通用的空间显示环境。下载 SDK 开始开发。


UModeler 让您能够在 Unity 中以巧妙的方式建模和构建原型。


UModeler 中基于草图的建模以及许多制作精良的基本 3D 工具可让构建您的世界变得轻而易举。

Visual Design Cafe

Nature Renderer is a plugin to help you render vast amounts of detailed vegetation on your terrain. Set up rendering automatically in one click and use your existing assets.

Zibra Effects

Zibra Effects is a Zibra AI multipurpose, no-code toolset, designed to simplify VFX creation and make virtual worlds more immersive by leveraging real-time simulation and realistic physics.


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